Grapefruit & Watermelon Agua Fresca . Sprouted Kitchen
I am motivated by the "summer bucket lists" I've been hearing about or seeing on Instagram. With Curran and the work we have to do around the house, I've thought the fun parts of this season would fall to the wayside but that is silly thinking. There are local weekend trips to take, pizza down at the beach at sunset, farmers market hauls for peach crisps, and apricot jam to swirl into plain yogurt. There may be a fence to build, a storage area to fix up, and a kitchen that needs updating but those tasks can blend in with the things that make us feel alive too. I forget that sometimes. Head down, responsibility, get things done... it's never that stuff that lightens my heart and fills me up even though it's my default setting. Time for a summer list.
It started warming up around here this week and I'm not great about drinking water. My goal is to reward every two tumblers of water with a more tasty drink - I have a cucumber, apple, kale juice in the fridge which I like over ice or this super refreshing grapefruit and watermelon juice with a splash of sparking water for fizz. Sunkist sent me some California Star Ruby grapefruits that were super juicy and the watermelon juice cuts the tartness just right. I went for a 50/50 blend this round, but you could alter that based on preference. Also, it makes a dreamy cocktail mixer. The happy hour fix is crushed ice, this juice, a tiny tip of triple sec and a glug of tequila for the best summer margarita. Maybe a little extra lime if you have one around. This recipe makes enough juice to make about six cocktails so it'd be great for a small party. All said, I hope your summers have started off in the best way.
Grapefruit & Watermelon Agua Fresca . Sprouted Kitchen
Grapefruit & Watermelon Agua Fresca . Sprouted Kitchen
Grapefruit & Watermelon Agua Fresca . Sprouted Kitchen
GRAPEFRUIT + WATERMELON AGUA FRESCA // Makes one generous liter
I use a juicer for efficiency sake, but I understand not everyone has one. For the grapefruit and lime, you could squeeze the juice by hand or with a citrus juicer into a bowl. The watermelon pieces can be blended in a food processor and then strained to get a smoother juice. You basically need about 2 cups of each grapefruit and watermelon and the juice of one lime. Use whatever grapefruits you like, I find the red varieties produce more juice.
4 Ruby Grapefruits, peeled
1 small watermelon, cubed and peeled
2 limes, peel mostly removed, plus another for garnish
crushed ice
sparkling water, optional
tequila, optional
In a juicer, juice the peeled grapefruit, watermelon and lime. Stir together to mix. Add more lime to taste. If you don’t have a juicer, blend it all up and strain it.
As an agua fresca, enjoy cold over ice. I add a splash of sparkling water, another squeeze of lime and a shot of tequila.
Grapefruit & Watermelon Agua Fresca . Sprouted Kitchen